
Enrollment procedure for canteen meals and after-school activities

The CTOS is notifying the parents of pupils that the enrollment and re-enrollment procedure of 2017-2018, will be carried out by sector from July to August. Tickets are available for canteen meals and after-school activities. For your convenience, find attached, commonly needed enrollment forms.

Registration breakdown by sector :
Sector N°3: Monday, 17th to Monday, July 31st, 2017

Elémentaire Omer ARRONDELL
Elémentaire Clair SAINT-Maximin
Maternelle Jean ANSELME
Maternelle Elian CLARKE
Collège Orléans

Sector N°2: Tuesday 1st to Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Elémentaire Emile LARMONIE
Elémentaire Elie Gibs
Elémentaire Marie-Antoinette RICHARDS
Maternelle Ghislaine ROGERS
Elémentaire Aline HANSON
Elémentaire Jérôme BEAUPERE

Sector N°1: Thursday 17th to Friday, September 1st, 2017

Elémentaire Nina DUVERLY
Elémentaire Emile CHOISY
Elémentaire Hervé WILLIAMS
Elémentaire Marie-Amélie LEYDET
Maternelle Siméone TROTT
Maternelle Evelina HALLEY

From Monday, September 4th to Friday, December 29th, 2017, enrollment will be possible for all sectors : Sector 1- Sector 2- Sector 3.
Warning: Enrollment(s) will not be taken into consideration if pupil's 2016-2017 fee is unpayed.
Registration ends on Friday, December 29th, 2017.

For any other relevant information, please contact the Head of Department at 0590 27 94 95 or the Registration office at 0590 27 94 98.

